What To Pack For A Scenario Paintball Game
Scenario and big game paintball is the fastest growing side of the sport. More and bigger games are popping up all over the world as people experience the thrill of taking to the field with hundreds or even thousands of players on each side. These huge events are often an entire weekend, with players arriving on Friday and then playing and camping out through Sunday. Players need to pack more gear than they may realize to be prepared. It is the
little things that can make or break a scenario game experience!
with your favorite, but it is better than sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else play!
and go
Hydration Pack with Water Bladder and Hose with Bite Valve. These are worth their weight in gold while playing. Dehydration is a serious concern, especially for summer games. Having a hydration pack lets you drink
without effort when out on the field for extended periods of time. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and play when you can drink freely without effort to do so.
Blister Bandages. Foot ailments sideline players at every game. Pack some of the new generation of bandages designed for blisters. They feature gel-like cushioning, stick to you like glue, and have a slick surface so your socks don’t grab and rub (how you got the blister in the first place). A real game day saver!
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